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Annual Financial Statement 2023

In 2023, S-GE was able to use federal and cantonal funds effectively for its customers in both export promotion and investment promotion, as well as to invest in the further development of its highly sought-after digital services. S-GE further increased its proceeds from paid services due to a high demand for consulting and trade fair participation. In total, S-GE supported 5,711 companies.

As a non-profit organization, S-GE reported a balanced result in its core operating business (after funds). In terms of export promotion, around 18 percent additional companies were able to receive support in 2023 than before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 (5,711 companies in 2023 compared with 4,824 in 2019). This was made possible not only by the additional mandate (large-scale infrastructure), but also, in particular, by investments made in digital services in recent years, which have had a lasting impact in both export promotion and investment promotion. Regular customer surveys continue to confirm the high benefit of the services.

Payments by the Confederation and the Cantons
The annual financial statements for 2023 show federal funds totaling CHF 26.5 million. This includes, among other things, CHF 1.6 million for the additional large-scale infrastructure mandate. As part of this additional mandate, S-GE has been working with partners to promote improved access for Swiss companies to large-scale infrastructure projects abroad since 2022. In 2023, S-GE developed services in particular in the digital sector (e.g. business opportunities on the GoGlobal Cockpit customer platform) and carried out numerous matchmaking activities in Switzerland and in the focus markets.

Furthermore, in the investment promotion basic mission, S-GE was financed with contributions from the cantons amounting to CHF 1.2 million, the same as in the previous year.

In addition to the above amounts, the FDFA provided CHF 11.3 million for the external network, a joint success story from the FDFA and the S-GE, through the Tripartite Agreement. These funds were paid directly to the external network and are not shown in these annual accounts.

Unnecessary provisions from the 2020 supplementary budget (supplementary credit in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic) for self-organized trade fairs in the amount of CHF 50,000 were refunded to the Confederation from the export promotion basic mission. The funds received for COVID-19 provisions were therefore fully utilized or refunded to SECO by the end of 2023. In 2023, Federal funds for the Trade Fair and Project Committee (MPK) in the amount of CHF 146,176 were returned to the Confederation, resulting in net compensation of CHF 2.4 million for the MPK from the Confederation. The refund was issued in consultation with SECO and the MPK, which operates independently, but whose administration and accounting are handled by S-GE.

Increasing proceeds from supplies and services
The persistently high demand for individual company services such as consulting or trade fair participation, which companies pay for themselves, resulted in further increases in sales and with it, in proceeds by a total of 0.5 million Swiss francs to CHF 10.6 million in 2023. The 29 percent increase in sales of consulting services is worth particular mention: due to the increasing complexity of export technology and the associated need for diversification, the demand for consultancy (e.g. establishment of local presence, market clarification) rose. At the trade fairs, the already high turnover of the previous year was maintained. Other operating profit and membership fees remained at the same level in 2023, with S-GE no longer receiving sponsorship fees for the first time in 2023 (CHF 0.4 million in 2022).

Direct costs
Overall direct costs amounted to CHF 13.3 million, marking an increase of CHF 0.7 million over the previous year. In line with higher revenues, costs for consulting services increased by 31 percent. Information and representation costs increased due to elevated marketing and information activities and the resumption of travel activities, while IT, administrative, and infrastructure costs were lower.

Personnel expenses
At CHF 18.2 million, personnel expenses were CHF 1.7 million, or 10.7 percent higher than in the previous year. First of all, initial accruals of CHF 0.4 million were made for work anniversaries and overtime (one-off effect). Over the course of 2022 and 2023, additional employees were hired as part of the additional mandate for large-scale infrastructure, and individual employees were hired on external contracts in the interest of longer-term cost efficiency. In addition, S-GE recorded higher wage costs, mainly on account of adjustments due to inflation. As at the end of 2023, S-GE had a total of 119 employees at the Zurich, Renens, and Lugano locations (previous year: 117 employees), split across 108 full-time positions (previous year: 103 full-time positions).

Fund developments and organizational capital
S-GE has four restricted funds: The Export Promotion Fund, the Investment Promotion Fund, the Large-Scale Infrastructure Fund, and the Third Parties and Trade Fairs Fund of the Trade Fair and Project Committee.

After the Export Promotion Fund was increased by CHF 1 million in 2022 for ongoing and follow-up projects, some of these funds were used in 2023. As a result, the fund was reduced by CHF 0.4 million to CHF 0.6 million. S-GE was able to use the appropriated funds specifically for strategically important projects to further develop its services (e.g. strengthening the global use of consulting services, scouting and matching market opportunities). The funds built up in the previous year from the respective Fund were fully utilized in the basic mission for investment promotion and the additional mandate for large-scale infrastructure. There were no changes to the MPK’s “Third Parties and Trade Fairs” Fund, which is not the responsibility of S-GE.

The Association Fund of S-GE is part of the organizational capital and is financed by the membership fees. It is intended to fund association activities within the framework of the basic missions, the financial stability of the association, offers financial leeway in crises, and strengthens measures for clients as part of the annual priorities set and to support service mandate. It was increased by CHF 0.2 million to CHF 3.9 million at the end of 2023. As at the end of 2023, the equity ratio (including fund capital) was 56.1 percent (target value at least 40 percent), and the liquidity situation remains solid.

Risk assessment
In the past financial year, S-GE did not identify any risks affecting the annual financial statements and corporate reporting. In order to minimize any risks and adverse effects, appropriate internal arrangements have been put in place, both with regard to accounting systems and processes, and the preparation of the annual financial statements.

2023 at a Glance


26.5million payments by
10.6million customer revenue
119employees in Switzerland
96employees in the external
Source of funds in 2023 on all service mandates
(in thousands CHF)
payments by Confederation
payments by Cantons
Customer revenue
Allocation of funds in 2023 by service mandate
(in thousands CHF)

Corporate Governance

About us

Switzerland Global Enterprise is a non-profit association within the meaning of Article 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. The purpose of the association is to promote Swiss foreign trade and the international activities of Swiss companies, in particular through export promotion and investment promotion.

Board of Directors


Executive Committee



Financial Report and Corporate Governance

Finanzbericht 2023
Financial Report (DE)

PDF  ·  977.31 KB  ·  20 pages

Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Report

PDF  ·  864.45 KB  ·  6 pages
