In Focus
Sustainability has become an indispensable issue that is of central importance for companies in all sectors as well as for Switzerland as a business location. Sustainability is therefore a key customer requirement at S-GE. More still: with all its activities and its network, S-GE intends to actively contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Swiss Federal Agenda 2030.
Export Promotion
A Success Factor in Global Business
The environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability are both a challenge and an opportunity for internationally active companies. A challenge due to the increase of societal demands and legal requirements. An opportunity, as companies with a sustainable orientation gain competitive advantages and become more resilient to crises. S-GE wants to support its customers as best as possible in the area of sustainability and is constantly adapting its services to new customer needs.
- S-GE sensitizes its customers to sustainability aspects in international business and provides information on current developments and regulatory requirements
- Together with partners, S-GE provides Swiss companies with relevant expertise in the field of sustainability and demonstrates how SMEs can adapt to new developments and where they can obtain support
- S-GE identifies and facilitates business opportunities for Swiss sustainability solutions
- Business partners abroad: S-GE supports the search for a partner and ensures sustainability criteria
- Network: S-GE gives companies easy access to sustainability experts abroad

Sustainability in the operational export business
S-GE provides information online about the latest legal sustainability requirements in the target countries at a glance. Compliance with new requirements is becoming increasingly important for Swiss companies when it comes to securing market access or as a partner for larger companies at home and abroad. Click here for an overview.
Our goal is for our value chain to be designed fairly. S-GE and the Swiss Business Hubs are able to help us ensure sustainability criteria along our entire value chain.

Sustainability is our top priority. S-GE and the Swiss Business Hubs help us build bridges internationally and make the world greener and more livable as part of the hydrogen value chain.

Investment Promotion
A Sustainable Business Location
As a technology and innovation location, Switzerland is predestined for the development and commercialization of sustainable solutions. S-GE wants to strengthen Switzerland as a leading location for sustainable solutions and is increasingly integrating the topic of sustainability into its national investment promotion activities.
- S-GE supports companies that offer sustainable solutions and thus optimally complement the Swiss technology and innovation ecosystem
- The assessment of sustainability aspects is a key part of the due diligence of interested foreign companies
- Together with its partners, S-GE markets Switzerland abroad as a sustainability hub

Sustainability criteria for settlements
Since 2023, S-GE has been centrally auditing all companies interested in Switzerland and their investment projects using specialized software (RepRisk). This assessment helps S-GE to settle companies that are focused on sustainability and thus fit into the Swiss technology and innovation ecosystem.

We welcome the increased sustainability focus coming from organizations like S-GE. And we are delighted to see our AI-based database for assessing ESG and behavioral risks in companies helping to ensure that sustainable companies complement Switzerland as a business location.
S-GE Activities
A Sustainable Organization and Employer
In their operational activities, i.e. in their day-to-day work, corporate culture, and cooperation with partners, S-GE and its employees place a special focus on the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability.
- S-GE measures its own CO2 footprint and implements measures to reduce it
- S-GE takes specific sustainability criteria into account when procuring products and services for day-to-day business
- As an employer, S-GE ensures fair and safe working conditions and focuses on diversity and inclusion
- S-GE ensures ethical business practices and promotes transparency

CO2 footprint measured to reduce emissions
In cooperation with Swiss Climate, S-GE measured its own CO2 footprint. Business travel and trade fair construction were identified as the largest sources of emissions in the 2022 CO2 balance and measures to reduce them are being introduced.